Entertainment/ Personal

Tuesday 23 June 2015

On 03:16 by Unknown in    No comments

Simple Logo

Friday 5 June 2015

On 20:50 by Unknown in    No comments

We’re already halfway through 2013 and the world continues to wake up to the fact that we are not alone in the universe. This year alone we’ve seen a tremendous step forward regarding UFO disclosure.  In early May, researchers, activists, political leaders and high ranking military/agency personnel from around the world testified to the reality of the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon in front of several former United States members of congress. To watch an interview with the former 2008 presidential candidate and ex-congressman Mike Gravel (who participated in the hearings) click here.  You can watch interviews with all of the senators that participated in the event here.
For more CE articles on the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials, click HERE.

The UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon is extremely top secret, access to this type of documentation and the deeper truth behind it is almost impossible. CIA directors, presidents and other high ranking officials barely have any access to these programs. That being said, all of the information that’s already out in the public domain is overwhelming. It makes you wonder how far down the rabbit hole this topic goes.
As most of the world today already knows, Wikileaks is an international, online, non-profit organization that publishes secret information, news leaks, and classified material from anonymous sources. They’ve been a tremendous threat to the controlling elite for a number of years, and have gained the attention of major mainstream media outlets worldwide. For the most part, these mainstream media outlets have bashed Assange, pointing to the idea that the release of classified documents is a threat to national security. That’s not true, it’s more like a threat to the truth that the elite try to cover up on a daily basis that would threaten their ability to control the human race.
Since a large amount of official documentation has already been released, documents from the Wikileaks cables shouldn’t come as a big surprise. Assange has already mentioned that there are yet to be published cables that make reference to UFOs. This is no joke, below are quotations taken from official transcripts via the official Wikileak cables. You can view it here: http://wikileaks.org/cable/2010/01/10DUSHANBE82.html


Tuesday 24 March 2015

On 08:34 by Unknown in    No comments

March 24, 2015 simple Birthday Greet for a Girl who inspire me

Tuesday 17 March 2015

On 03:11 by Unknown in    No comments
Wonder of the ancient world or fantasy? The story of the fabled Atlantis has captivated humanity for centuries. Scientists claim to have pinpointed its exact location - under mud flats in southern Spain

It has remained a tantalising mystery for thousands of years, but now a U.S. led research team believes it has found the legendary lost city of Atlantis.

Scientists claim to have pinpointed the exact location of the metropolis under mud flats in southern Spain.
The team of archaeologists and geologists are convinced that Atlantis -swamped by a tsunami - is submerged just north of Cadiz.

Visit http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1365824/Has-real-lost-city-Atlantis-finally--buried-mud-flats-Spain.html for more info.

Saturday 14 March 2015

On 21:16 by Unknown in    No comments

Good Day ! Water Color Effect using Photoshop CS6 for my Slide.
I will post some tutorial soon. I'll just finish my web design first to make it better :)

On 18:00 by Unknown in    No comments

Good Day ! Spash Effect using Photoshop CS6 for my Slide.
I will post some tutorial soon. I'll just finish my blog design first to make it better :)

Friday 13 March 2015

On 17:02 by Unknown in    No comments

Ayan Qureshi

A schoolboy has become the world's youngest qualified computer specialist after passing a Microsoft Windows exam at the age of just five.
Ayan Qureshi has only just started primary school, but passed the test at Birmingham City University to become a Microsoft Certified Professional.
In doing so he has set a new world record for the youngest person ever to pass a Microsoft exam - at the age of five years and 11 months, beating the previous record held by six-year-old Mehroz Yawar from Pakistan.

  • Ayan Qureshi has passed the 'Supporting Windows 8.1' assessment
  • At five years and 11 months he is the youngest to pass Microsoft exam
  • He was first introduced to computers by his father when he was three
  • Ayan now has his own computer lab at his home in Coventry
  • He sat the exam alongside adults and finished with time to spare
  • Test is usually taken by people who want to become IT technicians
  • Invigilators said he was too young for test, but Microsoft let him sit it 

Thursday 12 March 2015

On 18:48 by Unknown in    No comments
Did you know?

The HTC Dream (also known as the T-Mobile G1 in the United States and parts of Europe, and as the Era G1 in Poland) is a smartphone developed by HTC. First released in October 2008, the Dream was the first commercially released device to use the Linux-based Android operating system, which was purchased and further developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance to create an open competitor to other major smartphone platforms of the time, such as Symbian operating system, BlackBerry OS, and iOS. The operating system offers a customizable graphical user interface, integration with Google services such as Gmail, a notification system that shows a list of recent messages pushed from apps, and Android Market for downloading additional apps.

The Dream was released to mixed, but mostly positive reception. While the Dream was praised for its solid and robust hardware design, the introduction of the Android operating system was met with criticism for its lack of certain functionality and third-party software in comparison to more established platforms, but was still considered to be innovative due to its open nature, notifications system, and heavy integration with Google's services.
On 07:09 by Unknown in    No comments

Dispersion Effect using Photoshop CS6

Wednesday 11 March 2015

On 17:07 by Unknown in    No comments

Mind Blowing Facts

God bless you (variants include God bless or bless you) is a common English expression, used to wish a person blessings in various situations, especially as a response to a sneeze, and also, when parting or writing a valediction.

The phrase has been used in the Hebrew Bible by Jews, and by Christians, since the time of the early Church as a benediction, as well as a means of bidding a person Godspeed. Many clergy, when blessing their congregants individually or corporately, use the phrase "God bless you".

National Geographic reports that during the plague of AD 590, "Pope Gregory I ordered unceasing prayer for divine intercession. Part of his command was that anyone sneezing be blessed immediately ("God bless you"), since sneezing was often the first sign that someone was falling ill with the plague." By AD 750, it became customary to say "God bless you" as a response to one sneezing.

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