Entertainment/ Personal

Friday 13 March 2015

On 17:02 by Unknown in    No comments

Ayan Qureshi

A schoolboy has become the world's youngest qualified computer specialist after passing a Microsoft Windows exam at the age of just five.
Ayan Qureshi has only just started primary school, but passed the test at Birmingham City University to become a Microsoft Certified Professional.
In doing so he has set a new world record for the youngest person ever to pass a Microsoft exam - at the age of five years and 11 months, beating the previous record held by six-year-old Mehroz Yawar from Pakistan.

  • Ayan Qureshi has passed the 'Supporting Windows 8.1' assessment
  • At five years and 11 months he is the youngest to pass Microsoft exam
  • He was first introduced to computers by his father when he was three
  • Ayan now has his own computer lab at his home in Coventry
  • He sat the exam alongside adults and finished with time to spare
  • Test is usually taken by people who want to become IT technicians
  • Invigilators said he was too young for test, but Microsoft let him sit it 


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